Self Publishing On Multiple Platforms/ Get Your Book Out There!

When I first released my baby… my debut novel, AFTER THE FIRE out into the world, I chose the self publishing route. Very exciting times. However, I guess you don’t know what you don’t know,… until you know it. I thought by using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing to publish both my paperback and ebook, that I was limited to just using their platform for getting my book out into the world. I was wrong!

What I did RIGHT was I bought my own ISBN numbers. I bought 5 of them. That’s the number above the barcode on the backs of all paperback books. It is also what identifies any book in any format, like an ebook or audiobook. Since I have my own ISBN numbers or, international standard book number, I can publish my book anywhere I want. I didn’t know that. I have been limiting myself since I released my book in November of 2019, to sales from either Amazon itself, (paperback, ebook, and Kindle Unlimited) or me getting my book out there to indie bookstores. Loads of work and very time consuming.

So here we are now, with this absurd new virus that has us all quarantined to our houses and limiting us to short times at the grocery stores, take out only food, Netflix binging, online doctor visits, and ATM banking, (bring your sani-wipes). No concerts, no birthday parties, no weddings, no Friday night congregating at the bar, or…and here’s the scariest one… no going into work if you cannot stay separated from others. Hmm that’s only a few of the no’s. The one that has impacted me the most this week is the number of author events I had to cancel. I had three things I could not attend and let me tell you, it’s affecting my book sales.

Me about to write

If I had known I could publish with another company called Ingram Sparks, I would be getting far better sales nationwide into bookstores. Shop owners would be more apt to pick up my book to sell if the wholesaler’s discount were better, and Amazon doesn’t offer great wholesaler perks. With Ingram, it’s a far better deal for them. Also, I could be selling on Google Play, Nook, or Apple Play so my book won’t just be available electronically to Kindle owners only. It will be available to a wider audience. NOW I KNOW! I’m working on all of this.

So in the meanwhile what CAN we do during the quarantine? Well first off I would like to suggest you read books! Online or actual books. You remember books? Made of paper and have binding? I’m not just saying to buy MY book…(ok you can get it here ), but read something that is entertaining to you or teaches you something. Since we cannot travel much right now, I am about to start a novel about a Parisian restauranteur, that discovers an astonishing novel in a quaint bookshop and takes her on an unusual journey when she realizes the book it about HER! It’s called THE INGREDIENTS OF LOVE, by Nicolas Barreau. I will let you know what I thought later if you go to Goodreads. I will write a review.

Speaking of reviews…if you happened to have read my novel, AFTER THE FIRE, please consider writing an honest and unbiased review on either Amazon or Goodreads. This helps my book to get better recognition and ratings. All authors depend on reviews. Thanks in advance for doing this. Highly appreciate it.

During this strange and unexpected time we are experiencing globally, the best thing we can do is remain calm. Instead of panicking and being reactive, try to breathe deep, remember all your blessings, and take advantage of this time to slow down life a little. Live simply and practice gratitude. You will feel less stressed about the situation, and quite possibly improve your immune system in the process.

For my contribution to your FREE reading during this time, I can not only offer my book FREE on Kindle Unlimited, but right here on my blog, by the end of the month, I will post the first few pages of my new novel, THE CLOCK TOWER OF MAPLE CREEK. Be looking for it on my next post.

Stay safe. Stay well. Keep reading.

Book Reviews- Very Important for Debut Authors

It’s a good thing I enjoy driving. Hitting the open road, music up loud, windows down, sunroof open (lately because of our early spring weather), puts my mind right. I’d be in trouble if I didn’t love it because that’s all I’ve been doing. I’m out trying to spread the word about my new book.

It’s all wonderful getting my book into some bookstores and retailers, but I’ve learned it’s not going to be enough without a key thing ALL authors need. Book reviews.

I was fortunate enough to get a quick 25 – 30 reviews collectively from my eBook and paperback versions on Amazon. But the reviews have literally STOPPED coming in. That’s scary. I know folks are still buying the book from my reports. Still that also ebbs and flows with the tides of people’s busy lives and pocket books. I try to remind folks AFTER THE FIRE is Free on Kindle Unlimited. Click here to get it.

My ad for the upcoming event

So I go out and meet the public as much as I possibly can to promote my book. Above is my recent ad I created for next month. I have another event coming up for the Mendocino Book Company too. March will be busy. Hoping for good sales but also hoping some of them will post a review. An HONEST review and it cannot come from folks that sound too chummy with me. Amazon flags those and usually won’t post them. Understandably.

I got a wonderful surprise from a gal I met through my social media accounts. We follow each other across the country with the power of modern technology. She suddenly asked me if I’d like her to give me an honest review. Most certainly! Her name is Jane and she manages a website called and you can read the review she gave me there. Just click the link above to read. You should be able to hit your back arrow to return here.

I am so grateful every day for the support I’ve gotten as a debut novelist. I have to say the biggest obstacle I’ve come up against is time. I don’t have enough of it. But then again, nobody really does. We all just try our best to fit everything in and sometimes we can…other times its a balancing act that feels unstable. As long as we keep going forward with grateful hearts and enjoy the journey, that’s all we can expect from ourselves. For now, I might be tired, but I’m really having a good time.

Thanks for following along. Happy reading my friends.

Marketing a Self-Published Book/Book Signing at Copperfield’s Books

When you are self-published, you have to hustle. It’s not enough to click the magical publish button, and then pray people buy your book. It it entirely up to you to get the word out that you have something people need.

This weekend, I am invited to return a second time to Copperfield Books in Calistoga, to promote my book. This time I will be signing books and selling them from the store front. If you haven’t met me before and are curious about my book, AFTER THE FIRE, please stop by the store Saturday, February 8th and ask me about it.

In addition to the Calistoga signing, I am working out a date to do a signing at the Healdsburg, Copperfield Bookstore as well. I love this company and their stores are charming and very community oriented. Another place I am scheduled to do an author event in is Ukiah’s Mendocino Book Company. More to come on that soon.

If you have self-published and are curious about setting up consignments for your book, the key is DON’T BE SHY! I know most writers are fairly introverted and not great at talking about themselves or public speaking. It really is something you have to practice. But the only thing I can say to be helpful is… get over it! You will stumble, and misspeak. You might find yourself sweating or even forgetting your own name, (yep it happened). The thing is, just calm down, breathe deep, and know that bookstore owners and managers are mostly kind, and welcome authors with open arms.

The writing community is very supportive. Believe it or not, I found that the more vulnerable you are, and the more honest you are about what you don’t know, the more folks step up to help you. Don’t try to act like you know what you are doing if you don’t. Just find out who handles consignments for the store, get their contact information, and don’t forget to leave a copy of your book with a business card or promotional information for them.

Next important thing is to FOLLOW UP! You won’t get a “yes,” every time, but most times stores are willing to carry your book. I recently drove to a store not knowing if they would want to carry my book or not and by the time I left, I had given them the books from my car to sell, and now am planning a date in May for an author event. This was at the fabulous Gallery Bookshop in Mendocino, California.

Author events are great, but they are not all you have to do. You have to work social media to death! You have to advertise with paid promotions, create ads for your accounts, and you have to enter your work into contests. People have to know you exist.

Fults Family Vineyard Tasting Room in Lower Lake
also carries my book!
My Valentine’s Ad

This takes time. I am still building a following and it’s not easy. In fact it’s kicking my butt since I have a full time job. Still, it’s really the best part of my day when I get to do things like this… blog about writing and publishing.

In learning all that I have had to learn over the past four years, I’ve got to say that I truly love the process of publishing. I might have made some mistakes along the way, and I know better now what to do and NOT to do, but I’m hoping to help others who are trying to publish their work. There were countless people that helped me, so I would love to pay it forward. I’m toying with the idea of starting a Youtube channel to talk about publishing. Stay tuned.

If you are in the neighborhood of Calistoga, on Saturday Feb. 8th, come on over and say hello. I’d love to see y’all and talk books.

Happy Reading!

Copperfield Bookstore Author Panel / Patti Diener To Attend

Time management is tricky for me these days. I have many hats I’m wearing and need to be proficient in all my roles. As publicist, booking events for me to attend to promote my book, AFTER THE FIRE, is where I have to be extremely efficient. But self care is what I’m putting high on my agenda these days. Without it, I would crash and burn. Since I cannot afford to do that, I choose to take better care of myself.

Today after work, before returning emails, responding to social media, placing more phone calls, or EVEN blogging, I took my daily walk. Getting out into nature after a long day of public schooling (or adulting as it were), I needed it to unwind and lower my anxiety levels. I could feel my stress levels plummet as I watched a flock of quail scamper about under the Manzanita. Then I stumbled across a huge cluster of wild mushrooms of some kind. I’m no expert that’s for sure, but these colorful fungi were very interesting and I had to snap a picture.

Mushrooms by Patti Diener
Found these on my walk

But once I returned I settled back into my office and focused on my days ahead. The calendar revealed I have an event next week on Thursday, January 23, 2020. I will be sitting on an author panel at Copperfield Books from 5:00 – 6:30pm in Calistoga, California. I am told I will be with about 4 other authors, all having written different genre books, and folks will hear a little from each of us about what we’ve written, and why. Not being very experienced with this kind of thing, I am just as curious to find out how it goes as you might be. Either way, it’s publicity and networking with other authors. Win-win.

Most recently, I have contacted Sonoma Magazine’s editor about possibly featuring my book in their magazine. I just emailed her last night so fingers crossed that goes well. I have a list of places to contact. I just need to organize my secretary, publicist, bookkeeper, and file clerk so they all are on track. Yes, they are all me! Prioritizing and having a weekly check list is helpful. I’m learning.

If you are thinking about self publishing a book, know this… it’s work, but work worth doing if you love it like I do. I’d gladly do this full time and enjoy every minute of it. Goodness knows it IS a full time job that most self publishing authors have to cram in as part-time since they all have “real jobs.” The dream is to become successful enough to quit the “real job,” and make a living at the “dream job.” I plan to make that my reality.

If you haven’t read my book AFTER THE FIRE, you can buy it on Amazon in both paperback or eBook, and it’s FREE on Kindle Unlimited. It’s also in some select stores in Northern California, like Copperfield Books in Calistoga, in Mendocino Book Company in Ukiah, Watershed Books in Lakeport, Lake County Wine Studio in Upperlake, and Marie’s Feed in Clearlake. There will be more locations very shortly.

Thanks so much for your interest in this romance writer. You can leave a comment on the blog or email me directly at I’d love to hear from you. Also if you’ve read the book, please leave a review on Amazon. It’s extremely helpful. I will be posting after the author panel to let you all know how that went and what is next in store for me and the book.

Warm wishes!

The Life of a Self Published Author/ What’s New in 2020 for Patti Diener?

Stepping off the sidewalk and through the door, I first encounter the colors, then grapple with the many displays and choices. I slowly cross the floor and struggle with my many options. Which to pick up first? It’s both a blessing and a curse standing in a place that leaves me weak to control my pocketbook. I’m in a bookstore!

Since publishing my book, I’ve been to many independent bookstores to set up consignment contracts for After the Fire. It is considerably harder for me than I thought it would be. NOT because I have a hard time establishing contracts. It’s because I have a hard time NOT buying books while I’m there!

Bringing home books

I’m a sucker for books. I can’t get enough of them. Some women buy shoes, others like dresses or pretty knickknacks. I, on the other hand, love to be surrounded by the collection of pages and pages, bound by spines with titles and author names, displayed in every color and font imaginable. It might be a sickness, but as long as there isn’t a club called, book buyers anonymous, then I think I’m ok.

It is not only a New Year, but also a new decade. 2020 is giving me a feeling of not just renewed hope for better things to come, but I truly believe that there is a shift in my persona. The things I want from life have changed. The way I see the world and what I can contribute to it are far different than what I felt like a decade ago. In some ways I’m more intense, but in others, I feel a strange calmness of certainty. You might think that sounds like conflict, but it’s quite the opposite.

The intensity I feel is what I have come to realize. The dictionary says intense is a great sensation of feeling or emotion, having a high characteristic quality, as in strength. Well that’s about right. Also, the calmness of certainty is that I am certain of what I want in my life. Putting those two emotions together has been my epiphany. I am in the midst of a transformation.

I’ve told my students at the school where I am a librarian, that I never understood it when other educators would ask them, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I tell them, it’s because you will be… you! The better question would be, “what do you want to do when you grow up?” For me, I’ve liked doing many things, but what I’ve most enjoyed has been writing. Then I realized, I’ve always been a writer. It’s what I do.

Now that I’m a published author, I do feel more accomplished as a writer simply because I finished a project and vulnerably put myself out there with the thousands of other people who exposed their souls to the world in 2019. This doesn’t mean though, that I’ve only just now become a writer. I’ve been a writer since I was ten years old. It’s just now that I’ve shared my novel with the world and very gratefully, and humbly joined that club of debut authors, do I feel like the door to a new universe has opened for me.

So what can you expect from me, Patti Diener, in the year 2020? I plan to jump off more cliffs. I will share with you all, the first chapter of my new novel very soon on this blog. I will do more public speaking at author events in an independent bookstore near you, (places and dates to come), and I might even change the format of my book blog come March. In the meanwhile, thank you for always reading and sharing my information with your friends.

If you have read my book, After the Fire, then please leave a review on either this blog or better yet, go to Amazon and leave a review there. It is greatly appreciated. Also, if you are on social media, say something about it. Your friends that live outside of our little bubble called Lake County, where I live, might decide to buy a copy and share with their friends. One day, people won’t be saying, “where is Lake County?” Instead they will say, “oh I love Lake County!”

Thanks for reading everyone, and make 2020 not only your year, but make it the start of a great decade. If we are happy in what we do, we will make our world a happier place to be. Remember what Leo Tolstoy said…”Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

Happy reading.

Why This Book Is Great For The Holidays!

My debut novel, After the Fire, is a romance story that takes place during the holidays. It is based upon the aftermath of the 2015 Valley Fire in Lake County, California, where small town people pulled together to show that united, we are stronger! I wrote this, because it was true.

Christmas time is when we can hopefully slow things down and take in the whole holiday experience. Drive around and look at the lights, open that special bottle of wine, go have coffee with a dear friend, bake cookies with your family, READ A GOOD BOOK! Whatever you perceive the season to be, revel in the splendor of holiday magic. I’m hoping you will find some of that magic in the pages of my book.

Haven’t purchased your copy yet? No worries. If you buy on Amazon, you are most assured to receive your copy quickly. It is available in paperback and eBook if you like a reader. Also, don’t forget that with Kindle Unlimited, you can get my book for FREE. You can click here to buy now.

If you are just finding me, I will share some links to read my past blog posts. For example, how this journey got started in the first place, (once you click on a link and read, you will need to click your back arrow to continue with this post). You can read that here, or to read the interview I had with Chief Willie Sapeta, from Lake County Fire about the Valley Fire click here. Or you might want to read one of the archived posts about the healing process of our community here. These posts will give you a better idea on why I needed to write this book, which I consider a love letter to my community.

Speaking of community… I have been getting lots of fun shares of pictures of my book pretty much everywhere. Recently I got airport and city traffic posts. Thank you Wendy for sharing.

The reviews are coming in at nearly all 5 stars. I am very touched that so many people love it. Some author events are being arranged, starting with the Upperlake venue at the Lake County Wine Studio, December 21, 2019. I’m also meeting with indie bookstores in Northern California, to arrange for my books to be sold in their stores. Possible author events there too. I will post events as they are booked.

I am wishing each and every one of you a lovely holiday season. Please embrace the spirit of Christmas with gratitude, compassion, and love. I know I personally have much to be grateful for this year. Having all your support has been one of the best gifts ever.