Where the heck have I been?

  It’s been awhile

since I have blogged. Life has gotten in the way and my New Year’s Resolution of better time management has worked just fine for my “job,” but my “LIFE,” not so much! Guess I need to prioritize now.

I read the opening line today of John Steinbeck’s, Travels with Charley, and I was almost brought to tears! It reminded me that being an adult with adult responsibilities often has some stigma attached that you should do the things in life that are viewed by others as “stable.” Well what if what I want to do is somewhat unorthodox or to some, even scary? Here is what John Steinbeck said:

When I was very young and the urge to be someplace else was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch…..

We all know that with John Steinbeck, this was far from true and he was never cured of this ailment. No matter what “they” said, he was always fevered with the urge to travel. For me, it’s the urge to write. But who has the time?

My daily life is very full, and draining I might add! So by the time I arrive home and do the usual chores, or God forbid, add to my routine the need to attend a meeting, or shop before going home, I am spent! There is no extra time for my writing and it has drug me farther and farther behind than I had imagined. I still have to finish the end of the book and have it edited. It’s really all I think about!

The thing that I love is giving me anxiety and that is worrisome. I say that because, I will always write. ALWAYS! But I don’t want the one thing I love and adore to bring me stress. Writing is what I’ve always done to relieve stress. Now I worry that the choices I make in my life, (because I’m middle aged now), might possibly be keeping me from achieving what I really want to be doing. Time management is not only important now for my daily life in getting things done, but also, because when one reaches middle age, you start wondering how much time you have to do all the things you really want to do.

 I want to be a novelist!

Looking at the youth of today, I try hard not to envy those with their whole lives ahead of them. There are always things everyone would do differently if they knew then what they know now. So I strive to stay grateful instead. I have to learn everything possibly about the publishing industry in order to get my book out, and a positive attitude is the only thing that will move me forward.

So where the heck have I been? I’ve been learning, reading, and living my daily life in between. Writing my book is my great joy, but that isn’t happening as often as I’d like. What a wonderful life it would be to be able to write daily for a living and not have to clock in for “work.”

It’s close. So close I can taste it! And I have made a decision, that if the literary group I’m targeting decides not to pick me up, then I’m going to self publish and get this book out. I’d really rather have the backing of a literary agent, but I’m not so set in that idea that I would wait an additional year pursuing a literary group. I will give it a limited amount of time, then set out on my own, if necessary.

And there you have it, my friends! That’s the scoop on where I’ve been and why I haven’t blogged in quite awhile. It’s a process, that’s for sure. But I will continue to keep you all abreast of the situation and take you all on this journey with me as it unfolds. Hug your loved ones, love your life, and pursue your dreams! No matter how big or small, we are all here for a reason. I don’t believe we’d have such strong emotional ties to our dreams if we weren’t meant to try and fulfill them.





I’m Still Here!

  Hey Everyone!

Happy New Year! I’m still around and held one of my last two interviews I need for the book, this morning. Things are looking good for me to be in the final stages of the writing process for the manuscript. Then the fun stuff begins………. editing! UGH!

Upon logging onto my blog this afternoon, I went into it from just Google, looking to see how easily it would be picked up. I didn’t log on using my administrative URL, (cool computer lingo), and wanted to see what everyone else would see. I WAS NOT HAPPY!

Somehow, back in NOVEMBER, (yes I let it go that long), I made a change to the site without realizing I had. That just shows how completely UN-savvy I really am when it comes to website setups stuff. So apparently for the last month and a half, people that found my site initially saw a huge blank screen that simply said it was the HOME SCREEN! How freakin’ embarrassing. Not to mention unprofessional looking. Bummer for me! Let’s just hope no swanky publishing company or fancy literary agent was looking at it during my hideous screw up!

But I am hoping it’s fixed. Lesson being, look at your work from ALL view points and check your blog more often to see if your site is down or, in my case, just screwed up.

So it’s back to work for me. Keep praying for OUT OF THE ASHES to be published in 2017! It’s my goal this year. I’m shooting for a traditional agent/publishing house relationship, but if I cannot find a good fit, I will publish it on Amazon. Either way, you should all be able to read this baby soon.

May the year 2017 bring you all hope, happiness, love, and peace! Practice gratitude whenever possible, and find joy in the everyday, little things.